• Select Membership

  • Membership Details

  • Payment

Select Membership

If you get stuck at any time or have any questions, please contact our Zoo Friends office on 02 9969 2777 (option 3) during office hours or email zoofriends@zoo.nsw.gov.au.


  • Family Flex Annual Membership price is $110 per Family Flex Adult Pass, and all children (aged under 16) from your household are free
  • Indivi(dual) Annual Membership is $99 per adult or $79 per concession
  • Grandparent Annual Membership is $99 per adult or $79 per concession when linked to a valid Family Flex Adult Pass
  • Concession rate is available for members who meet certain criteria, to see a list of what is accepted click here.
  • One-off $20 joining fee applies per group to new memberships
  • If you have more than 5 children under 16 years of age residing with you please drop into the Zoo Friends office and we can add them to your membership.

Family Flex Annual Memberships

For household groups joining with adults and children

Flex Adult

$110 each

minimum 1, maximum 2

Taronga Zoo - Adult Flex item quantity 0.
Child (0-15)


Kids must all be from the same household, and be aged 15 years or under *

Taronga Zoo - Child (0-15) item quantity 0.

* If you have more than 5 children aged 15 years or under from the same household please drop into the Zoo Friends office and we can add them to your membership.

Indivi(dual) Annual Memberships

For household groups made up of adults and concessions only


$99 each

Taronga Zoo - Adult item quantity 0.

$79 each

Taronga Zoo - Concession item quantity 0.

Grandparent Annual Memberships

For household groups made up of grandparents that have grandchildren on valid Family Flex memberships

Grandparent Adult

$99 each

Taronga Zoo - Grandparent Adult item quantity 0.
Grandparent Concession

$79 each

Taronga Zoo - Concession item quantity 0.

Visiting the Zoo just for a day?

There's so much to explore at our Zoos and our Annual Memberships gives you 365 days to do just that, but if you're planning to visit just for one day, you can purchase a day ticket to Taronga Zoo Sydney or Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo.

Buy Day Tickets

Zoo Friends Annual Membership

Joining Fee


TZ ZF TransactionFee








Cart total: $20.00